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Mo Changying met with the senior management of Ningbo CRRC Company to promote the project to land in

   Release date: 2022-12-01     Hits: 67    Comment: 0    
Note:   On the morning of November 17,Mo Changying,vice chairman of the CPPCC and chairman of the Federation of Industry and
  On the morning of November 17,Mo Changying,vice chairman of the CPPCC and chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce of the autonomous region,presided over a symposium at Shangri-La Hotel,and held talks with Chen Shengjun,vice chairman and general manager of Ningbo CRRC New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.,who came to Beihai to inspect the cooperation project,to promote the project to land in Beihai as soon as possible and put into production.Mayor Cai Jinjun and CPPCC Chairman Mao Yanqiong attended the forum.
  Mo Changying speaks.Li Junguang
  Mo Changying said during the talks that"Beihai Xingshi New Energy Materials Industrial Park"is an industrialization project of"Graphene Composite Supercapacitor Activated Carbon",a major scientific and technological achievement in the autonomous region,a key project to be promoted in 2018 and 2019,and the first batch of"Double Hundred and Double New"projects in the autonomous region.CRRC New Energy is a global supplier of power-based energy storage technology products and solutions.It has long been committed to providing advanced power-based energy storage devices and energy storage system solutions for transportation,power energy,construction machinery and smart logistics industries.The production capacity and shipments of supercapacitors have reached the global leading level.The autonomous region attaches great importance to the cooperation project between CRRC New Energy and Beihai Enterprises,and hopes that CRRC New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.will set up a working team to assist Beihai Xingshi Carbon Materials Technology Co.,Ltd.to speed up the construction of the project and produce the first batch of commercial products as soon as possible according to market demand,and strive to apply for the National Science and Technology Invention Award;Participate in the formation of new energy storage equipment enterprises and strive for listing;Strive for the relevant departments of the autonomous region to increase support for the project;Enterprises should do a good job in intellectual property protection,product technical parameters and other confidential work to ensure product and technology safety;It is hoped that CRRC's new energy project will drive related enterprises and industries to settle in Beihai and make new contributions to the development and utilization of new energy products in China.
  Cai Jinjun said that"Super Capacitor Activated Carbon"has broken the international monopoly,filled the domestic gap,solved the problem of key materials'neck sticking,and has positive significance for protecting industrial security and national security.Beihai City will give key support to this project as a special project.
  Symposium site.Li Junguang
  During the talks,Chen Shengjun introduced Ningbo CRRC New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.and the R&D and production of its technical products,and expressed gratitude to the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Beihai Municipal Government for attaching importance to it.He will make every effort to do a good job in project cooperation,strive for early realization of benefits,and contribute to the development of Guangxi and Beihai.
  Zheng Dingxiong,secretary general of the municipal government,attended the talks.
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