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After the epidemic, see Shengfang, Shengfang furniture, take you to appreciate the new style of furn

   Release date: 2021-03-15     Hits: 80    Comment: 0    
Note: Novel coronavirus pneumonia began to spread in the world in the beginning of the Spring Festival, and it was a great yea
 Novel coronavirus pneumonia began to spread in the world in the beginning of the Spring Festival, and it was a great year for the 2020. This epidemic situation has changed our life greatly. People have to stay at home and try to avoid going out to avoid cross infection. Because of this, various activities have been changed from offline to online. However, as a relatively traditional furniture industry, it still relies on offline trading, This is also an important reason for the furniture industry to become the most seriously affected by the epidemic.
Taking the first quarter of this year as an example, there were 6387 Enterprises above Designated Size in the furniture industry, with an accumulated operating revenue of 117.692 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 23.73%, a total profit of 4.006 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 47.84%; the total retail sales of Enterprises above the designated size was 24.76 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 29.3%; the total exports of the whole industry were 10.208 billion US dollars, a year-on-year decrease of 20.77%; and the accumulated imports were US $571 million, The year-on-year decrease was 17.27%. (data source: Research on high quality development policy of furniture industry -- report of China Furniture Association of China Light Industry Federation in June 2020) the data shows that the impact on the furniture industry is not small; Shengfang furniture is actively responding to the call of the Party Central Committee, stopping work and stopping production, and taking various preventive measures, at the same time, we are also thinking and more clearly aware of the epidemic situation, For the relative traditional furniture industry, as a dose of bitter medicine, bring challenges at the same time, it is also an opportunity?
Shengfang International Furniture Expo Center has been committed to become a wind vane to promote the healthy development of the national furniture industry, inject fresh blood and add new vitality to the relatively traditional furniture industry. Because of this epidemic situation, we have strengthened our belief that we should also do online furniture business, and accelerated the pace of moving furniture business to online, taking the development path of online and offline integration. Ma Yun said: "online enterprises must go offline, and offline entities must also go online, and combine with modern logistics system to realize the healthy and sustainable development of physical enterprises"; in particular, the State Council has issued relevant guidance documents, in which there are similar statements and policy promotion, This opinion emphasizes that adjusting the commercial structure, innovating the development mode and promoting cross-border integration are the new directions for the transformation of real enterprises!
With the development of the times, enterprises should also follow the progress of the times. We, Shengfang International Furniture Expo Center, keep up with the pace of the times, actively respond to the call of the party, rely on the massive offline entities of Shengfang international furniture, and take the development path of online and offline integration. We firmly believe that Shengfang International Furniture Expo Center will become the wind vane to promote the healthy development of furniture industry in the new era, and the pioneer of healthy and sustainable development of furniture industry!
After the epidemic, see Shengfang, Shengfang furniture, take you to enjoy the new style of furniture industry! From September 16 to 19, 2020, the 24th China (Shengfang) International Furniture Expo with global characteristics and the 11th Shengfang international furniture raw and auxiliary materials exhibition opened in China Shengfang International Furniture Expo Center. Welcome to your coming!
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